Wiki CEMC coming up

Lynda Wetter

True Blue
Local Chapter Officer
Glen Allen, VA
Best answers
Ok, So my CEMC exam is coming up real fast. I have been told by some local Guru's that the test is quite difficult. I am confident in selecting the level of OV's but, its the E/M I dont use all the time I am concerned about.
Does anyone that took the test have any tips.
Like when i took CPC I was told go to #xx and do those then go to #xx and do those. Does anyone have tips on the layout of the test????

Greatly Appreciated!!
Lynda, CPC

I am not sure if you have taken the test, but I just took it. All I can say is practice on your auditing skills!!!!!
Yeah basically you are going to see 50 Notes, and they each have 3 questions after them. The questions may have to do with the note (ie "What was the level of history documented?") or it may have to do with the guidelines, or what category the patient is (new vs established, office visit vs preventative visit, inpatient vs emergency room) or even billing related.

It's a very difficult exam, but trust me you can do it. I have 3 certifications, CEMC was the only one that I didn't pass on my first attempt, and I got a 68 (ugh) but I sucked it up and went for the second attempt and that time I passed.
When I took the exam, I found that if you know how to use the audit tool you bring (make at least 50 copies - one for each scenario) you should do fine. Mike is correct, there are other questions such as new vs. established, etc. I got familiar with the E/M guidelines AND the notes for each section, and that was a tremendous help as well. I still had to refer to the book for those, but at least I knew where to look.

If you have used your audit tool and are comfortable using it to determine your level, no matter the setting, then you should do just fine. Good luck!
Yeah basically you are going to see 50 Notes, and they each have 3 questions after them. The questions may have to do with the note (ie "What was the level of history documented?") or it may have to do with the guidelines, or what category the patient is (new vs established, office visit vs preventative visit, inpatient vs emergency room) or even billing related.

It's a very difficult exam, but trust me you can do it. I have 3 certifications, CEMC was the only one that I didn't pass on my first attempt, and I got a 68 (ugh) but I sucked it up and went for the second attempt and that time I passed.

Thanks Mike!
I am going into this with no "oficcial" training on E/M just what I learned last year in my CPC course, and teaching myself this past year. I work with E/M every day. But not ALL aspects of all the codes. I'm confident in the DG's and leveling, just afraid of the unknown I guess. But I am going into this with pride and all my ability, if i fail least I know what to expect the next time around!!!!

Thanks again everyone!!!