Wiki CEMC Certification Exam


Sun City, AZ
Best answers
How hard would this test be for a person who has two core AAPC certifications, an excellent knowledge of A&P, and one year of experience determining E&M levels, using both 1995 and 1997 documentation guidelines? At this point, I can pretty much determine the level in my head using 1995 DGs by skimming the documentation. I have looked at all the AAPC prep information, but have yet to take the practicum online. Is there any more I can be reading or doing? Any helpful thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.
You should be fine

How hard would this test be for a person who has two core AAPC certifications, an excellent knowledge of A&P, and one year of experience determining E&M levels, using both 1995 and 1997 documentation guidelines? At this point, I can pretty much determine the level in my head using 1995 DGs by skimming the documentation. I have looked at all the AAPC prep information, but have yet to take the practicum online. Is there any more I can be reading or doing? Any helpful thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.

From your statement above you should be fine. I took my CEMC last summer and passed. If you know your 95 and 97 DG's I think you'll be fine.

Good luck!
Thanks for the encouragement, Roxanne. Just took the Practicum today and I felt confident enough to register for the exam. :D

The practicum is the exact same format as the exam! I too purchased the practicum prior to scheduling for the exam.

Good luck and let us know what you think.
Just got the news that I passed, although I was pretty sure when I left the exam on Saturday. I expected the test to be much harder than it was. The test is very similar to the practicum. I highly recommend the practicum and also purchasing Carol Buck's The Evaluation & Management Step. Thank you for the encouragement. :)

Just got the news that I passed, although I was pretty sure when I left the exam on Saturday. I expected the test to be much harder than it was. The test is very similar to the practicum. I highly recommend the practicum and also purchasing Carol Buck's The Evaluation & Management Step. Thank you for the encouragement. :)

I am thinking of taking this but what Practicum did you get? Do you have any suggestions. I am scared to take test but I am on my 5th yr coding different areas but I code trauma.

Thank you
Optional Recommended Material

I am getting ready to take my CEMC, not any time soon but I am getting all my ducks in a row. I see on the acceptable materials for this exam there is an option for any material of your choice; can someone recommend what else besides the ICDCM, CPT, HCPCS, E/M Worksheets, 95 and 97 DG would be helpful?