Wiki Cellulitis of knee


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I have a question regarding linking procedure to diagnosis.

Patient diagnosed with cellulitis of the knee. There is not mention of abscess but the doctor did a puncture with aspiration of the site to see if there was a abscess presence but nothing was aspirated. Can this be reported and can it be linked to the cellulitis???

Yes cellulitis could be linked to the procedure note, however, if nothing was aspirated you can not code the service (it was unsuccessful)
Yes you can bill the procedure. The procedure was performed exactly as it should have been it was a fully completed procedure. There does not have to be fluid obtained to be able to bill the procedure as completed.
OK thanks mitchellde for correcting this post.
We do not code this procedure if nothing is aspirated ... I didn't think to state this is also client specific so they should check to be sure their client does code this as documented.
I would definitely bill px linked to cellulitis and apply appropriate modifier for reduced service.
Pardon me, just curious but don't we code for the procedure even though it was unsuccessful. Resources and time was still used for the attempt of the procedure. Fairly new to coding and just asking for clarity. Much appreciated.