Wiki ? cedc results


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Unfort, I failed the CEDC. I wish I knew what I got wrong so I can learn from my mistakes. All they shared with me was e/m area to study 55%.

Does anyone know what that means? thanks


It sounds like they were telling you that you need to improve your Levels coding to pass. So you probably did OK on procedures and ICD-9. As I recall they use the 1995 guidelines so I would focus on that. I think people often get thrown by MDM since it is the same for 99283 and 4. I would look at the Presenting problem in establishing the medical necessity for the level and make sure they are hitting the history and PE elements.

Hi Laurie,

Did you purchase the AAPC ED Practicum prior to sitting for the exam? I found the practicum to be very helpful since the practicum and the test assignment of the E/M levels differed from the methodology of production coding.

I agree with Jim about the moderate MDM confusion. Other areas that may have been problematic could have been when to give credit for a complete ROS and the difference between an EPF exam(limited documentation) and a detailed exam (more elaboration).

Review the critical care guidelines, too.

Good luck! :)