Wiki CEDC exam


Uncasville, CT
Best answers
Hey guys
I'm studying for the CEDC and did aapc's study guide and program etc, and was just wondering if anyone had any additional tips for the exam or suggestions of any videos or anyone on youtube specifically that would be helpful to watch?

Thank you so much
I failed the first CEDC test and passed the second. I purchased the CEDC practice exam in between and I think that's what helped pass the second time. So if you bought the program that includes the practice test, I think you will have a better outcome. The test is very similar to the practice test and has you work on concepts that will be on the test. I also used the E/M calculator on the AAPC website, and it is available on the test as well. I struggled with E/M the most because I code ED for a facility. Good luck!
I failed the first CEDC test and passed the second. I purchased the CEDC practice exam in between and I think that's what helped pass the second time. So if you bought the program that includes the practice test, I think you will have a better outcome. The test is very similar to the practice test and has you work on concepts that will be on the test. I also used the E/M calculator on the AAPC website, and it is available on the test as well. I struggled with E/M the most because I code ED for a facility. Good luck!
thanks! i did purchase that and still failed, but that was before there was an e/m calculator provided when just bubble sheets on paper exam but I'll try to review the practice exam again