Wiki CEDC Exam


Weston, FL
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Can anyone who has taking the CEDC exam please tell me if you was allowed to take the 95/97 E/M guidelines with you. I was told to put mine away and I think that's why I failed. My lowest score was in E/M section of the test. Any input would be great thanks a lot.

Required References:
?CPT? Books (AMA standard or professional edition ONLY). No other publisher is allowed ?Your choice of ICD-9-CM ?Your choice of HCPCS Level II Highly Recommended References:
?E/M Audit Worksheet of your choice ?Both CMS DGs (1995 & 1997) Optional References:
?One reference of your choice

I believe when I took my exam I had them with me. I could see how this would cause you to miss leveling. These tools are used in everyday coding.

I would call somebody at AAPC about this matter and ask this question. :( sorry. Good luck when you re-take!
I took mine with another coder and have also proctored on a few occasions. The other CEDC coder and I only used audit tools. I haven't seen anyone try to bring in 95/97 Guidelines in any test I have proctored before but if the website states they were to be approved, I would definitely call National with a complaint.