Wiki CEDC Exam - Emergency Room coding


Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Best answers
Good morning to all,

I am doing Emergency Room coding for physicians for past 5 years , I want to know in CEDC exam the questions will be on physician coding or facility coding . Do this much experience will ok to sit for this exam. i was confidence in my knowledge in ER coding , but advice from the person who had already taken this exam will be valuable for me .

Thanks in advance for all the supports.
The CEDC is pro-fee driven, so if you have 5 years of experience you should do just fine. I highly recommend the Practicum to get a feel for how the questions will be asked. Depending on the protocol for your group, the test may code higher or lower than what you are used to.

Good Luck!!!
I have never done any work in Medical Billing & Coding. I took a 3 month course offered by my employer and PMCC and I passed my first time. Just take your time and you will do wonderfully!

Is there a lot of questions regarding the difference between the 1995 and 1997 guidelines? Any other "tips"? thanks
Hello All,

I want to thank all who guided me to prepare for CEDC exam . I had appeared for CEDC exam and got passed the Exam.
Thanks once again to all
Congratulations on passing the CEDC exam!!! I also found out last Thursday that I also passed the CEDC exam. I agree with you, the information provided on these forums are very helpful. I would like to thank everyone as well.

Hi sam this is your junior i want some help for CEDC exam pattern.

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I will be taking the CEDC exam in 3weeks. I been coding EDs for 4 years now and have been going over the practium over and over and find myself memorizing the answers because I did them so much. Im scared that I wont do good because of this.