Wiki CDEO study guide


Ballina, Mayo County
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After much waiting for a promised CDEO study guide, then being told AAPC were not going to produce a study guide, the book is now available.
I contacted AAPC so many times about this and the release date kept being delayed, then I found out via the forum that no guide would be forthcoming, but I nevertheless signed up to take the test. A work colleague who is at the AAPC conference now in DC sent me a text yesterday saying that AAPC had released a study guide which I immediately ordered. Without her text I would never have known.

Wouldn't it be prudent for AAPC to publicize the guide, and more specifically to maybe contact those who have purchased the exam to say 'hey, we've made a CDEO study guide available and you have paid to take the test, would you like to purchase a copy?'.
Anyway, we've been wanting this for a long time and it's finally here. Hopefully it will be useful.