Wiki CCM code with Market Survey Billing code

Olney, MD
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Hi All
We have had some case management bills recently where they are billing market conduct surveys using 99487 and 99489. The problem is, they also bill regular case management services in the same month.
Would it be appropriate to bill market conduct surveys in this manner or, should they bill the market conduct surveys under 99489, just as they would normal case management services, after the first hour? Or do you know of a more appropriate procedure code for market conduct surveys?

What in the world is going on that someone is billing for market conduct surveys??? I don't even understand why a market conduct survey would be considered a medical service that should/would/could be billed to an insurance carrier. Also, who is performing the service, is it a covered healthcare provider or a provider who can bill incident to a covered healthcare provider?

Outrage aside, what would the medical necessity be of the market conduct survey being provide to the patient? Services must be medically necessary in order to bill them to any carrier and the medical record for each patient this service is billed for must clearly document the medical necessity of the service.

I have so many questions and thoughts about the idea that a market conduct survey being considered a medical service, which is medically necessary and billable to an insurance company.