Wiki CCI EDIT book


Saint Joseph, MO
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I am wanting to buy a book or computer program to help with CCI Edits can anyone give me advise on a good resource book to purchase or computer program that works well for you and is user friendly. I have some who like the book and have been told that Ingenix has a good one but didn't know if the Coder lite on AAPC contains just as good info and easy to use?
Please Help
I have used SuperCoder and the AAPC coder lite and they are comparable and have worked just fine for me. I do general surgery, urology and podiatry. It really comes out to cost just a little bit a month and the results are instantanious. No looking them up and they usually have a pdf you can print out that you can send in with an appeal if you need to.
forgot to add that the best part is you don't have to worry that the edits are out of date since they update them when the updates come out.