Wiki CCC exam


Spring, TX
Best answers
I will be taking the CCC exam very soon. Could someone give some help on how to retrieve a "vascular tree" for the exam.

Thank you
Marschand Martin, CPC, COC, CRC
MedLearn Publishing has some great diagrams. They're called Peripheral & Cardiology coding charts and we refer to them frequently when coding these more complex cases.
Either Medlearn or Z health publishing have them. They are rather expensive, but are necessary for the exam. I was only going to use the CPT "tree" in the back of the book but using that I got the practice questions wrong. You really need to have a lower extremity vascular tree as the right and left legs have some of the same arteries but different orders. It also is necessary to visualize the route the catheter takes in order to see how many bifurcations are crossed.

I just took the CCC yesterday. Brush up on the heart anatomy, pacemaker evaluations and thresholds evals, and EP studies.

Good luck!
Does anyone know what percentage you have to get on the CCC exam to pass? I was under the impression it was 70% like the CPC but was told that they recently increased it to 80%. I can't find anything on AAPC that says either way. I'm taking the exam in a week and a half and was just wondering. Thanks!