Wiki CCC exam - I don't have the opportunity


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I have a question for anyone who has taken the exam

Would it be possible to pass the exam with only "book smarts"?

I don't have the opportunity to acquire much hands on experience in cardiology because I am a clinic coder and we disperse the specialties evenly amongst all of our coders. I do want to specialize in cardiology, and I want to teach it to myself. My reading comprehension levels were off the charts when I applied at college, so the understanding of the material will not be an issue. I do best learning on my own from a book, and I was wondering if it would be possible to teach myself what I need to know to pass the exam. I passed my CPC exam with no actual coding experience, so with enough determination and hard work learning all I can about cardiology would this be possible? I plan on studying and learning for about a year before I attempt this.

looking for any feedback, thank you very much!!!:)
CCC exam

I can't help with advice re the CCC exam although I have done quite a bit of cardiology coding. AAPC says that the specialty tests are difficult and they are, rightly so. On the other hand they recommend 3 years experience in a specialty before sitting the test. I took the CANPC because my company wanted me to, and passed first time ( just) without any experience at all of coding that specialty. I studied for three months. Having coded anesthesia for a year now I know I would pass with a much better score. So, yes, I'm sure a year is more than enough preparation although nothing beats hands-on coding as a learning tool.
Good luck