Wiki CCC Exam - Any hints

I would say that the practice test and study guides are the two most important tools... Also study up on every subject (pacemakers, ablations, caths). Even if your physician doesn't do them. I took the test and it was the most nerve racking 5 hours of my life. I would also suggest taking the day before the test OFF... relax.. maybe go over the stuff in the morning, then put it away and don't think about it again until you go to the testing location. Take at least 1 bottled drink.. I didn't really snack too much but I did drink. Oh, yes I did pass. Good luck. There was some of everything in the practice guide on the test.
Yes and I am finding it very helpful. I have heard that it is nerve racking and just wondered if anyone had taken it to tell what is mostly on it or just a bit of everything.
Don't forget to take a coding reference of your choice with you. I found the Medlearn Peripheral and Cardiology coder very helpful reference to use.

Good Luck!!