Wiki CCC exam and specialty


Best answers
Hello fellow CPC and CCC's,

Can anyone of you tell me is there a huge difference in exam and studying CCC than just the standard CPC? My boss and I are looking into to the specialty but want to make sure it is worth the time and money to pursue.

Thanks bunches,

Tonya CPC
Northern Virginia:)
The CCC is for Cardiology, you do know that, right? So, yes, there is a huge difference between the two. Are you maybe thinking about something else?

Kristin Felty, CPC, CCC, CCVTC
Hello fellow CPC and CCC's,

Can anyone of you tell me is there a huge difference in exam and studying CCC than just the standard CPC? My boss and I are looking into to the specialty but want to make sure it is worth the time and money to pursue.

Thanks bunches,

Tonya CPC
Northern Virginia:)

Yes, there is a HUGE difference in CPC and CCC. The CCC is for Cardiology, you need to have an in depth and I would suggest hands on/working experience prior to taking this exam. I suggest you take a look on the site, because AAPC has their recommendations listed for people who choose to take this exam and what it entails. It's not for a beginner at all....