Wiki CCC exam advice...


San Diego
Best answers
I'm taking the CCC exam next month. I noticed in the recommendations from the AAPC that cms DG for 1995 and 1997 are recommended. Is there E/M coding on this exam and if so how much?

Also, it says we can take in the Vascular charts. Are we allowed to take copies of vascular charts in. I have copies from several books I have bought.

Any other tips?

When I took the exam there was very little E/M but all exams are different.

You are allowed to use one reference book also. I used my cardiology and peripheral coding book it was a big help. Also the vascular charts.

Good Luck!!

Terri Winsor, CPC, CCC
Inregards to the reference books: Would I be allowed to take in my Dr. Z's Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiovascular Coding Reference?????
In the AAPC CCC study guide it mainly covers E/M...I was quite confused by that. Good luck with your exam. Please keep me posted about how it goes...I am really hoping to take it soon, so would like as much feedback as I can get!! :)