Wiki CCC Certification


Palmetto, FL
Best answers

Has anyone recently sat for the CCC certification exam? I cannot find anywhere on the AAPC website or the AAPC study guide that describes the format of the exam, like how many total questions, the exam time, breakdown of questions (how many A&P, cases, etc)??

The only thing I could find from a google search was from 2010 that said it was 75 questions in 3 hours. Is that still true?

I don't remember how many questions but it was 5 hours. I used 4 hours and 40 minutes. It covers e/m pacemakers, ablation, cardiac stents and caths. My recommendation is to get the study guide. It helped me alot. Good luck
Thank you L. Mark! not sure how I missed that one!

Twixle - I have the AAPC guide and online practice exam. So far so good. My worry is the race against clock... I am a slow reader and if the majority of questions are report/case based, I worry I will not finish. You said you finished before time was up. How extensive is your experience with Cardiology coding? I feel like if I can recognize the each code without the descriptor, it will help. What do you think?