Wiki CCC and CIRCC


Port St John, FL
Best answers
Having curiosity strike me at the moment. Can anyone who is a CCC or CIRCC tell me if Cardiology Coding is still in High Demand? I just rarely see a job for this profession posted. Are Employers still actively looking? Also, if you actually DO work as a CCC or CIRCC, is it normal for your employer to pay for your CEU's or is that something that you are responsible for. I'm not trying to be shabby in my asking. I'm just truly curious. Honest answers please! :D
I have worked in cardiology for 35 plus years and now there seems to be an overload of cardiology coders. Most of my previous employers did pay for my CEUs and dues.
C Collison
Hmm... That's very disheartening to hear. Here I was hoping that there was still at least a demand for CIRCC Coders still. Thanks for your honesty though... :(
It took my current employer 5 months to find a cardiology coder and requires a CCC and a CCVTC. If a person doesn't have the credentials when they are hired it is a condition of employment to obtain them.