Wiki Catheterization included with stenting

New Hartford, CT
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Beginning April 1, 2011 per CCI, cpt code 93458 is now inclusive to 92980, but will allow modifier -59. My question is.....under what circumstances would modifier -59 be appropriate? What would constitute the cath procedure as a distict procedure in relation to the stenting? I don't like to use this modifier freely and need the information to back up using this modifier. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

Beginning April 1, 2011 per CCI, cpt code 93458 is now inclusive to 92980, but will allow modifier -59. My question is.....under what circumstances would modifier -59 be appropriate? What would constitute the cath procedure as a distict procedure in relation to the stenting? I don't like to use this modifier freely and need the information to back up using this modifier. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.


in a nutshell....It must be truly diagnostic in nature meaning, the condition or severity of the condition was not known until the heart cath was performed, thus neccessitating the intervention.

HTH :)