Wiki Catheter to test for UTI


Coventry, RI
Best answers
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the specialty and I had a dr just email me and tell me that we do catheterizations on babies if suspected UTI. Currently we are not billing for this procedure (apparently). Is this something everyone you all get paid for? I'm assuming we definitely should be billing for this if we are doing it! Do I also need to bill for the catheter itself and if so, what is that code?

Thank you!
I was going to say if you're billing for an office (not a facility), the typical supplies are usually included in the procedure (you can't exactly insert a cathether without.. a catheter). However, I did see Optum360coding say to code the catheter as well, as some payers will pay it.

To me, that's not a good enough reason to bill it, but to each his own.