Wiki Catheter help....

Orchard Park, NY
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PRE-OP DIAGNOSIS: Multiorgan failure requiring continuos oximetric Swan-Ganz evaluation for management of her hemodynamics.


OPERATION: Insertion of oximetric Swan-Ganz catheter via pre-existing right internal jugular introducer

INDICATIONS: This is a patient who has gone into acute renal failure as well as multiorgan failure who had nonfunctioning pre-existing Swan-Ganz catheter removed last evening. Dr. Lico has ordered insertion of new oximetric Swan-Ganz catheter.

PROCEDURE/FINDINGS: The insertion site on the Swan-Ganz catheter was prepped vigorously with multiple layers of antiseptic solution and standard sterile draping was applied. Using strict aseptic technique an oximetric Swan-Ganz catheter was calibrated in vitro. Swandom was applied over the Swan and then a Swan was inserted via the cordis port and advanced to 30 cm. at this point the catheter was zeroed and balloon was inflated and multiple attempts were made at trying to pass a Swan into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve but without success. Therefore the Swan was pulled back into the right atrium and the swandom secured to the introducer sheath and the Swan left in place for possible future attempts at floating the Swan through the tricuspid valve right ventricle and into the pulmonary artery as necessary.
PRE-OP DIAGNOSIS: Multiorgan failure requiring continuos oximetric Swan-Ganz evaluation for management of her hemodynamics.


OPERATION: Insertion of oximetric Swan-Ganz catheter via pre-existing right internal jugular introducer

INDICATIONS: This is a patient who has gone into acute renal failure as well as multiorgan failure who had nonfunctioning pre-existing Swan-Ganz catheter removed last evening. Dr. Lico has ordered insertion of new oximetric Swan-Ganz catheter.

PROCEDURE/FINDINGS: The insertion site on the Swan-Ganz catheter was prepped vigorously with multiple layers of antiseptic solution and standard sterile draping was applied. Using strict aseptic technique an oximetric Swan-Ganz catheter was calibrated in vitro. Swandom was applied over the Swan and then a Swan was inserted via the cordis port and advanced to 30 cm. at this point the catheter was zeroed and balloon was inflated and multiple attempts were made at trying to pass a Swan into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve but without success. Therefore the Swan was pulled back into the right atrium and the swandom secured to the introducer sheath and the Swan left in place for possible future attempts at floating the Swan through the tricuspid valve right ventricle and into the pulmonary artery as necessary.

When done for monitoring purposes use 93503.