Wiki cath

clearwater, fl
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:confused: anyone can help me? trying to code a 1)ultrasound direct needle placement, right common femoral.
2)arching carotid arteriogram and 3)selective left and right carotid arteriogram.
4)right iliofemoral arteriogram.

please help anyone?

thanks Lulu
Ok first look at (+76937) for your ultrasound guidiness code

Second for the arch angiogram I'm not sure what you mean if you are talking about looking at the aortic arch and how the arteries come off the aorta then it is 75650

Third, assuming normal anatomy the cath codes would be 36216 RT and 36215 Lt based off the description given if the cath goes to other location then you may have additional codes.
The angio for bilateral carotid is 75680.

And fourth I would not code the angio of the right illiofem unless you have a really good medical reason. It is probably for closure purposes (bundled)

Hope this helps good luck