Wiki Cath with Peripheral


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I have a patient that went in for RHC regarding aortic stenosis. It was a right common fem approach but unable to get through the common iliac due to heavy calcification and a balloon angioplasty was done. After the cath, the Dr. did a abdominal angiograph with runoff and found the patient had severe PVD.

Need help with coding this procedure please. Cath only was to be done. Do I code that first and can you also code abdominal with bilateral runoff. Confused with the iliac angiograph. Would this be a second order?

Any help would be appreciated.
LE Endovascular Revascularization

It's a separate procedure for a separate condition so you may code the angioplasty 37220. Do not code the iliac cath separately, selective catheterization is always bundled into the intervention codes.

Yes you can also code the LE angiogram separately because it's a new condition being diagnosed at that encounter. If the provider performed the aortogram, then moved the cath in order to performed the b/l LE runoff, code 75625-59 and 75716-59. If the provider performed the aortogram and runoff from the same catheter position, only code 75630-59.