Wiki Cath placement?? HELP

Colorado Springs, CO
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my doctor, a hospitalist, did an Ultrasound-guided right femoral vein hemodialysis cath placement in order for the patient to recieve hemodialysis and for vascular access. How would I code this? Can we charge seperatly for the ultrasound guidence?
Were you ever able to figure out what to code for this case? I have the exact same issue - and I have the worst time with cath/central line codes.
Are all of these access codes billed based on location, whether or not they're tunneled and port location? (very confusing to me.....)
Any help with clarification of this would be much appreciated!
Were ports placed or no? Per Dr Z, US guidance for placement or replacement SI; must include these: 1) Evaluation of potential access sites 2) Documentation of selected vessel patency 3) Realtime US visualization of vascular needle entry 4) Documentation of permanent recording and reporting.