Wiki Cataract & anterior vitrectomy


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Hi, would normally the anterior vitrectomy be considerd bundled with a cataract for Medicare? Any imput would be appreciated. :)
Vitrectomy w/ cat surg

The 67010 (vitrect) is bundled with 66984 and 66982 (extra-cap cat surg) per CCI edits, so our carrier doesn't allow it. I have billed the vitrectomy with the 66983 Intra-Capsular cat surg as that is not bundled and have been paid for that.
Hi, would normally the anterior vitrectomy be considerd bundled with a cataract for Medicare? Any imput would be appreciated. :)

Routine Anterior vitrectomy is bundled with cataract surgery when it was performed to fix a vitreous prolapse situation during the cataract surgery.

If you knew in advance that you would have to do a anterior vitrectomy, and it is documented in your notes pre surgery, then you can bill separately.