Wiki Case Mix diagnosis for Home Health


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I have started working for home health as their coder. This is new to me other than the 485's from the physician side. Would anyone please give me some insight to the Case Mix Codes? I have been trying to find a list of them. The Excel lists I see don't make much sense. I have passed both the CPC and the ICD-10 but the guidelines here are different. I was not trained for this job on the proper sequence of codes for $$. I am understanding as much as I have taught myself. Thanks for any help or any mentor would be great!
welcome to home health

I feel your pain...

Really, the best thing you can do, is pick up an ICD-10-CM manual that was made for Home Health.

There are many out there, Optum, etc...

We use Decision Health and I feel they really have the best manual and guidance.

If your agency will spring for the subscription fee, Decision Health has an online coder, which blows the hard copy manual away.

first I do my codes, not necessarily worrying about case mix, I try to code it based soley on focus of care as presented by the clinical.

THEN, after I have coded, I run all my codes through the online coder, and see which codes are case mix, and figure out the best way to sequence my codes to maximize my case mix, while not upcoding.

That's my method anyway....

Like I said, do yourself a favor and pick up a Decision Health manual.

If you ever have questions, feel free to PM me.

We're on the west coast and im at my desk all day m-f 8-5

Good luck
Case mix diagnosis

Thanks for the info! I purchased Optium 360 for Home Health. I have the APPC Coder but I have not played around with it to much yet. My facility wants only six diagnosis and it is hard sometimes to capture all of it. I have no previous HHA coding experience so I have been picking it up as I go along, there was no training. They just felt that if you were certified that you knew how to code everything!

If you can, try to get your agency a free trial with the incoder.

it's cloud based, so nothing to install, and it's really easy to use.

One way I sold it to my agency, is the subscription pays for itself since you're able to maximize the revenue each episode will bring in, and from a compliance standpoint, you will code more accurately.

Plus, you get access to the home health forum, which is just like this one, but everyone on it is coding for home health.

Makes it really nice when you're stuck, because most questions get answered.

check it out
Thanks! I am going to check this website out now! So little discussion of HH coding. APPC really needs to add this as a speciality and offer more education on it!
Home Health Category

Thanks! I am going to check this website out now! So little discussion of HH coding. APPC really needs to add this as a speciality and offer more education on it!

I agree

I PM'd a MOD and asked them to create the category a few days ago.

No response yet, but they really need to add it.

Ive just been doing a search for Home Health and responding to posts that way.