Wiki CASCC Exam


Carlisle, PA
Best answers
I apologize beforehand if this is not the correct forum in which to post this thread but there didn't seem to be a general one that would fit this question. I currently work for an ASC. I've only been thre 3 months. I have been billing/coding for about 3 years now. I am preparing to take the CASCC exam. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions on how I can prepare? I've purchased the practice exam, but is there anything else?

Thanks, K
I took the CASCC two years ago. I can tell you to purchase the study guide from AAPC. That was a HUGE help to me. Also, make your CPT coding book your friend. Highlight, tab, and make notes inside your book (no sticky or post-it-notes or even loose paper) because they will not allow you to test with this type of extra material. Make sure to know your guidelines for your chapters. Make sure that you do all the study guide practice examinations and read read read that study guide.

Hope this helps you :)
Amy, or anyone....I just noticed it says I can bring one approved reference. How would I know what is there a list somewhere?

Thanks again :)
If you go to the certification tab on the AAPC website, select your specialty and there will be some tabs at the bottom one of which is approved references. Click on that tab, it has a lot of information that will help you figure out what reference you can and can't bring.