Wiki Carving Out Sick Visit from Well Exam


Parlin, NJ
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Where within the note am I allowed to carve out information for my sick visit within the well exam? We're having a debate here at work, my co-worker said it has to be completely separate and identifiable in it's own section of the note, but compliance says you can pick out bits and pieces from throughout the whole note, as long as you don't use the information twice. HELP!!! :(:confused::eek::rolleyes:
Carving out sick visit from Well Exam

We were instructed to pull the information from the HPI and MDM. The exam portion of
the visit is part of the CPE so we can not use.
We were instructed to pull the information from the HPI and MDM. The exam portion of
the visit is part of the CPE so we can not use.

That's what I do, too. You only need 2/3 components for an established sick visit, so drop the exam out altogether. (If there's a sick and a well visit in the same visit, the sick E/M will nearly always be considered "established", even on the patient's first visit.

Here's how I figure out my problem E/M level (If there's a better way, I'm all ears!):
The only areas that you can use to easily distinguish a "sick" E/M from a "preventive" one, are the HPI and MDM, since they're unique to problem-oriented codes. Pick your code based on the nature of the problem (or how severe/complicated the problem is), then make sure you've got enough HPI and MDM to support that code. If you come up with less, go with whatever level you can meet. If you come up with more, stick with what was medically necessary to evaluate and treat the patient's presenting problem. You'll never assign a higher level sick E/M than was medically necessary for the encounter.