Wiki Carrying over CEU's


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I was wanting to know if anyone else was interested in seeing if we could carry over some of our extra CEU's that we earn. I will have extra this year and I think we should be allowed to at least carry some over to the next year instead of losing them. We have done the work and paid the money to go to seminars and I don't see why we shouldn't be allowed to carry some of them over.

Julie A. Frost, CPC
carrying over CEU's

I asked last year as I had extra. They told me no that I only could use the CEU for the current year I was to turn them in. So this year I lost some. I am really tracking my CEU's the next two years.
Rebecca Lopez CPC
So. Cali
I was wondering the same thing. If someone could correct if I am wrong, please do. I believe I read somewhere that if you earn your CEU's in the same month of your membership renewal year, you can carry those over. I was thinking about this and will research it more but I am watching my next two years also.