Wiki carotid angio with hearth cath


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I am coding a Cath report the Procedures performed are:

Right femoral artery access
Coronary angiogram
Left ventriculogram
selective carotid angiogram, bilateral
Left internal mammary artery angiogram
Right femoral artery closure

report states that the same cath was used for engaging the right and left common carotid artery and selective angiogram was performed. Also, the same catheter was used for LIMA angiogram and finally a angled pigtail was used for Left ventriculogram.

results state:
right and left internal and external carotids clear of any disease.

I have coded 93459-26 and 36221. Is that carotid code appropriate?

Thank You.
36221 is for non-selective cath placement and above it shows "selective carotid angio, bilateral;" however, without the report I can't be certain of the code but I think you should look at 36222.
