Wiki Carotid and Vertebral angiogram help


Tampa, FL
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I have a client that did the following

Selective Left common carotid angiogram
Non-selective Right common carotid angiogram
Non-selective bilateral vertebral angiogram
Selective left cerebral angiogram
Non selective right cerebral
Selective positioning of catheter in to right innominate and left subclavian
Abdominal angiogram with bilateral run off

In the report he does say he did a selective picture of below the knee of the left leg twice after the abdominal angio with bilateral run off was done

My question is how would you code all of this
do I code all selective because the one side was selective or do I code the one selective side and the rest non selective as stated

Please help
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I have a client that did the following

Selective Left common carotid angiogram
Non-selective Right common carotid angiogram
Non-selective bilateral vertebral angiogram
Selective left cerebral angiogram
Non selective right cerebral
Selective positioning of catheter in to right innominate and left subclavian
Abdominal angiogram with bilateral run off

In the report he does say he did a selective picture of below the knee of the left leg twice after the abdominal angio with bilateral run off was done

My question is how would you code all of this
do I code all selective because the one side was selective or do I code the one selective side and the rest non selective as stated

Please help

You have 36224-LT, 36223-RT, 36225-50, 75630-59, with the limited information you have given. For the imaging of the knee, I don't know where the access was performed and where was the catheter placed to be able to code. A report that has been HIPPA cleaned would help.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC

You have 36224-LT, 36223-RT, 36225-50, 75630-59, with the limited information you have given. For the imaging of the knee, I don't know where the access was performed and where was the catheter placed to be able to code. A report that has been HIPPA cleaned would help.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC

All of these codes are for selective angiography.