Wiki Cardiovascular Coding Help


Northville, MI
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Hi everyone, I've coded the below as 36246, 37227, 75716 and 76937. Any assistance or suggestions for what I have selected would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)

  1. Ultrasound Guided Arterial Access
  2. Right leg angiography
  3. Abdominal Aortogram with Bilateral Runoffs Third order
  4. Left leg angiography
  5. Intervention on left popliteal: laser atherectomy, balloon angioplasty
  6. Intervention on left superficial femoral: laser atherectomy, balloon angioplasty
Hi everyone, I've coded the below as 36246, 37227, 75716 and 76937. Any assistance or suggestions for what I have selected would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)

  1. Ultrasound Guided Arterial Access
  2. Right leg angiography
  3. Abdominal Aortogram with Bilateral Runoffs Third order
  4. Left leg angiography
  5. Intervention on left popliteal: laser atherectomy, balloon angioplasty
  6. Intervention on left superficial femoral: laser atherectomy, balloon angioplasty
There was no mention of a stent being placed so I would say 37225 instead of 37227. Not knowing the catheter approach and placements for the arteriograms, it would be hard to say on 36246 and 75716.
Ah I see, good catch on the 37225. I'll double check that.

For the catheter approach it is "Right femoral artery access, [...] guidewire was advanced into the descending aorta"

Thank you!
Ah I see, good catch on the 37225. I'll double check that.

For the catheter approach it is "Right femoral artery access, [...] guidewire was advanced into the descending aorta"

Thank you!
36246 would be included with 37225. 75630 is for imaging of the aorta with bilateral runoffs from a single catheter position within the aorta. If the catheter was at the level of the renal arteries for imaging of the abdomen, then pulled down to the bifurcation for additional imaging it would be 75625 & 75716. If the catheter was placed in the contralateral leg to further evaluate an area of concern, not just to complete the exam, you can also add 75774.

I hope that makes sense and helps.
36246 would be included with 37225. 75630 is for imaging of the aorta with bilateral runoffs from a single catheter position within the aorta. If the catheter was at the level of the renal arteries for imaging of the abdomen, then pulled down to the bifurcation for additional imaging it would be 75625 & 75716. If the catheter was placed in the contralateral leg to further evaluate an area of concern, not just to complete the exam, you can also add 75774.

I hope that makes sense and helps.
Yes, makes sense. I greatly appreciate the help! Thank you so much