Wiki Cardiology


Laveen, AZ
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HELP PLEASE... My Dr did a Saphenous Vein bypass angio and aortic root injection only. I am not sure of the CPT for the angio.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1. Saphenous vein bypass graft angiography
2. Aortic root injection-93567

INDICATIONS: Follow up angiography procedure on 9/11/15 to make sure that theres are no other vein grafts to be visualized.

TECHNIQUE: Indications, alternatives benefits, and risks of procedures.....
The patient was brought to the cardiac cath lab in a fasting postabsorptive state. Right groin was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. A 2% plain lidocaine local anesthesia was administered. Using modifed Seldinger technique, the right femoral artery was punctured, and with the help of a guidewire, a 6 French arterial sheath was placed. A long Versacore wire was used for all catheter exchanges. A 6 French RCB bypass graft catheter was advanced over the wire and positioned where the bypass graft to the LAD artery was expected to be found. A nub was noted suggesting an occluded bypass graft. As no graft could be visualized going to the LAD artery. It was decided to exchange this over the wire for a 6 French pigtail catheter, which was positioned at roughly 10 cm below the expected origin of the bypass graft, and then a aortic root injection was performed injecting 40 ml of contracst over 2 second at 600 psi. Catheter was them removed from the body and femoral arterial sheath was removed manually. Hemostasis was obtaned. The patient was taken back to his room in stable condition.
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