Wiki Cardiology outreach services


Sioux City, IA
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:confused: HELP!! Our providers provide outreach services at different rural locations in our area. When he goes out our techs and equipment go out to perform tests such as echos, stress echos, stress tests, etc... The tests are looked at that day, but arent officially interpreted until days later when he is back at our main clinic. We want to bill global for these services and bill using the outreach location, but we are unsure if we are able to do this? We are unsure if we can bill globally using the outreach location, or if we have to bill using the date of the interpretation and bill using our clinics place of service?

We are very new to cardiology and outreach billing so could use any help from anyone who has experience in cardiology billing. Thanks much!!! :)
I attended a cardiology coding seminar this week and asked the exact same question because I have the same scenario. They are supposed to e-mail me an answer. I will let you know when I hear back.

Carol Hodge, CPC, CCC
Thank you!

That would be great! We have been tossing many scenarios around and are just afraid of billing these wrong. So many factors involved here, so any information you could give us would be greatly appreciated! :)