Wiki Cardiology Dx coding


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I'm a radiology coder and do not do very much cardiology coding. Can you advise on dx?

Exam: Myocardial Perfusion Scan with Lexiscan
Clinical History: Endstage Renal Disease

Findings: Fixed thinning of the inferior wall is present . The anterolateral septal wall and apex show normal uptake at stress and rest.

gated images show an ejection fracture of 48%. There is no evidence of ischemia.

No evidence of ischemia. Ejection fracture 48%
Fixed inferior wall thinning.

Coded = 78452-26

What dx code would you have assigned?
What were the indications for the procedure? The patient may have an abnormal EKG but without that or any other indication there is no medical necessity.
I'm a radiology coder and do not do very much cardiology coding. Can you advise on dx?

Exam: Myocardial Perfusion Scan with Lexiscan
Clinical History: Endstage Renal Disease

Findings: Fixed thinning of the inferior wall is present . The anterolateral septal wall and apex show normal uptake at stress and rest.

gated images show an ejection fracture of 48%. There is no evidence of ischemia.

No evidence of ischemia. Ejection fracture 48%
Fixed inferior wall thinning.

Coded = 78452-26

What dx code would you have assigned?

585.6 is not an approved dx code for a myocardial perfusion scan. The impression is not specific enough to assign a dx code.

You will need to go back into the records and find an approved dx for 78452. It may be an abnormal ekg? chest pain? something like that. There is a list of dx codes. Can you find your LCD for your region? See what you can find and let us know.:)
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what is the icd-9 code for fixed inferior wall thinning. please review previous note