Wiki cardio cath help please


High View, WV
Best answers
Trying to get a feel for cardiology and thought I would start with the PROCEDURES PERFORMED listing on my report.

Based on the below listed how would you guys code?
1. Right common femoral artery access
2. Coronary angiography of the Left tree using a JL 3.5 diagnostic Judkins catheter
3. angiography of the Right coronary artery using a Judkins JR4 catheter
4. Left ventriculogram in the RAO 30 degree cranial projection using 30cc of contrast at 10cc/second on a 0.3 rise
5. Manual pressure post right common remoral artery

I realize the full report would be needed in order to properly code for the above scenero but trying to put all of the cardio pieces together as I begin this journey.

Thanks for your help!