Wiki Cardiac cath vs coronary angiography


Avon Park, Florida
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when coding cardiac cath vs coronary angiography what determins a heart cath to be a heart cath. What should we look for in the documentation to determin if it is a heart cath or coronary angiography?
when coding cardiac cath vs coronary angiography what determins a heart cath to be a heart cath. What should we look for in the documentation to determin if it is a heart cath or coronary angiography?

With what you are asking for, the terms are interchangable. What I think you want is this, a Left Heart Cath is when a catheter is passed the aortic valve, and pressures are taken (look for end diastolic pressure) or an LV gram was taken. Usually the coronaries are also imaged. If just the coronaries are imaged, then that is a Coronary Angiography. For Right heart heart, a swan-ganz catheter is passed through the right side of the heart and pressures are taken from the pulmonary artery to the right atrium.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC