Wiki Cardiac Cath Modifiers


Minnetonka, MN
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I have cardiologist that perform procedures at a hospital in town. I have been told since they dont own the facility and they are using there facility that we have to appened the 26 modifier even thought they are doing the procedure and they are interperting. I need a litlle guidence. The code we are using is 93452 cardiac Cath. Thank you .....
I have cardiologist that perform procedures at a hospital in town. I have been told since they dont own the facility and they are using there facility that we have to appened the 26 modifier even thought they are doing the procedure and they are interperting. I need a litlle guidence. The code we are using is 93452 cardiac Cath. Thank you .....

I thought i might ask. Is your doc only placing the cath in the LV or is he also placing the cath in the coronary arterys too? If that is the case 93458 would be the code to use. Even tho the 93452 says left heart cath it is not the most used code. I have not ever used it.You may be using the correct code but maybe worth checking.:)