Wiki Cardiac Cath Documentation


Madisonville, LA
Best answers
Good Morning I have been out of cardiology for a while and have started back with a new client. Documentation is different and I was wondering if this is the norm. Please give me your advice on the following:

Is it 93453 or 93460?

"After anesthesia was obtained, the patient's right radial artery was entered using modified seldinger technique and a 5 Fr. introducer side arm sheath was placed in the artery for access.
The following cardiac catheters were used: 5 Fr. Jacky, JL 3.5, 5 Fr PA
Coronary arteriography was performed using multiple injections of contrast in multiple angulated views. Left ventriculography was performed in ROA view."

Hemodynamics for both right and left heart were documented as well as findings of the LV and coronary arteries. My question is, does the bold statement above support selective angiography?

TIA for any help.