Wiki cancer dx code


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If a patient has a dx of oropharyngeal cancer and has surgery for that can you still code any additional visits using the oropharyngeal cancer dx?
The chapter-specific coding guidelines in ICD-10, Section I.C.2 pertaining to neoplasms, address this question in detail. It's more than can be posted in a response here on the forum. I'd recommend reading it through and seeing which situation, if any, applies to your particular encounter and if you still aren't sure after that, perhaps post a few more details about the encounter you are coding here and we can try to help.
@thomas7331 is 100% correct about all the guidelines. You should be familiar with them if coding for malignancies.
My very, very, very short summary which covers most situations: if currently being treated, code as active malignancy. If NED and no current treatment, code history of malignancy.