Wiki Can you code a V70.0 and a V76.2 in the same visit?


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Good evening,

Our physician did an annual exam (V70.0) on a patient whom he also did a pap smear (V76.2) on during that visit. I am finding contradictory articles online regarding if these two codes can be used together on the same claim. Could you please shed some light on the subject?

And are there any modifiers that need to be added or ABNs to sign?

Your help is immensely appreciated,
This is for a Medicare patient who did not have a pap done last year. Thank you for any help you can provide as I am the only coder in this office.
Yes you can list both of these V codes on a claim as it tells the payer that the Dr did an annual and also a pap. For MCR, paps for low risk pts are payable once every 2 years. High risk pt's are payable once per year.

You will bill G0101 for breast exam (if performed) and Q0091 for the screening pap. Keep in mind MCR does not pay for "physicals". They pay for Annual Wellness Visits (G0401, G0438, G0439...)