Wiki Can we Code dx ?


Vallejo, CA
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Unable to connect with the physician (no longer here) ..

in the HPI says:

Cannabis nightly for sleep

... nothing else in the report referencing the use of cannabis ... i'm reluctant to use F12.9 because F12 is cannabis DISORDER which is not mentioned in the report .. i haven't found anything anywhere that indicates we can use the F12 anyway ..

does anyone have an opinion or does this just go uncoded because the provider was not clear? thank you!
Are you in a state where cannabis is legal for medical and or recreational? If so then, if you are medical only and if the patient has a prescription then no you do not code it as cannabis is a legally prescribed analgesic. If your legal recreational then no you do not code it any more than you would code alcohol use for someone that has a glass of wine at nite. If you are in a state where it is not legal at all then you could code it as cannabis use. I am not sure that would, but you could.
Cannabis use

Unable to connect with the physician (no longer here) ..

in the HPI says:

Cannabis nightly for sleep

... nothing else in the report referencing the use of cannabis ... i'm reluctant to use F12.9 because F12 is cannabis DISORDER which is not mentioned in the report .. i haven't found anything anywhere that indicates we can use the F12 anyway ..

does anyone have an opinion or does this just go uncoded because the provider was not clear? thank you!

The ICD-10-CM guidelines instruct about this. Cannabis use, when documented as a reportable diagnosis (not history only), is reported with a code from subcategory F12.9-. These unspecified codes are to be used only when the psychoactive substance use is associated with a physical, mental or behavioral disorder, and such a relationship is documented by the provider. This does not appear to be the case in your example.

I hope that helps.
can we Code dx

i thought as much. there just wasn't enough information to code it at all ... you helped thank you and Debra yes it is legal here but again not enough information to code it .... thank you as well!