Wiki Can the entire EHR be used to determine the correct diagnosis codes?


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I work for an organization that has many facilities and occasionally a patient will be transferred from one facility to another for a higher level of care. We have one EHR and all documentation from all facilities is in one place.

Can the coder from one facility use information from another facility? For example the patient is seen in the ED and transferred to another hospital, can the ED coder use information from the discharge summary from the receiving hospital?

When the coding guidelines state that the entire medical record can be used, what does that entail? All hospitals as well as all employed physician have one medical record. I have read through the ICD-10 coding guidelines but I did not see this issue addressed.

Thank you.
Look in the CMS manual in chapter 23. There are specific section for outpatient and inpatient coding. Chapter 23 is very helpful in determining the appropriate sources for information.

In your case I do not see anything the prohibits the use of medical records in an EHR throughout multiple offices.