Wiki Can someone help for CEMC EXAM

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Iam little confused with consultations charts in EXAM between tthe normal EM services and the consultations.

To confirm that its a consultation chart what are the things thai i should be looking for or words, some times it starts refferls and some times consultations and some time the notes starts saying thanks for the referring the patient to me.....

Iam wasting lot of time in trying to identify the consultations charts in EXAM.

Please give me some hints and tips for coding the consultations.

You should always look for the three R's
A Request by another Physician
A Rendering of opinion &
A Response with a written report.

You can also look for an acceptance of responsiblity for the patient care.
If the patient is requesting the consult you have to use the office visit codes 99201-99215
If it is a request from an Insurance company ir WC apply modifier 32.

In my experience with the CEMC exam I was able to clearly tell it was a consult. The gave you the the "R's" very clearly. I passed with what I felt was a really decent grade (High 80's)

Hope this helps, Good Luck!
I agree with LuLu79's post. Just make sure the 3R's are there. I would not get too tripped up in the wording of "referral" vs. "consultation" b/c it is so frequently misused by providers. Just look for the R's.

Good luck with your test.
