Wiki Can Rapid Test for staff bill to insurance?


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I have two separate opinion with coworker. Please help us.
We are a dermatology group and will implement to do rapid test for all staff once every week.
Can we bill that to insurance company?
One said Yes. we can, but another one said no we can't because it should be consider PPE supply usage and can't bill to insurance.
Please share your thoughts. Thank you.
Please someone kindly answer to this question. I'm also wondering if there is any office bill to insurance for the services for the staff. I'm really want to know how's other practice deal this kind of situation.
Thank you.
I think this starts treading on compliance issues. Are implementing that you are OFFERING the rapid test vs you are REQUIRING the rapid test? What if one of your employees does not have health insurance? Larger employers have an employee health department and those services are not billed to insurance. Absent legal advice, if I were in this situation for a handful of employees, I would likely not bill to insurance. Perhaps if it were a county/state policy for everyone working in healthcare to have a weekly rapid test and I simply informed my employees that we do offer the test (but they can go anywhere they choose). But if I said you must get swabbed here as a condition of your employment, I definitely would NOT bill insurance.
I agree with Christine - this is an area where you should get reliable legal/compliance advice. The coverage guidelines for many health insurance policies state that medically necessary services are covered for diagnosis and treatment of illnesses - if the test is being done due to an employer mandate, it likely does not meet this definition, but individual plans may offer exceptions. Although under the pandemic, there are a lot of grey areas about what is or is not covered related to COVID testing, the only way to know for sure if a test for employment-related purposes would be covered by your employees' plans would be to review the policy documents or contact the insurer to get clarification.