Wiki Can pain or tenderness be part of review of systems

Wahoo, NE
Best answers
History: Patient has a bump on her left eyelid. No pain or tenderness.

Can the pain or tenderness be counted as review of systems for the skin, making this an EPF history? Or should it be an associated sign or symptom, making it a problem focused history? Maybe it can be either?
History: Patient has a bump on her left eyelid. No pain or tenderness.

Can the pain or tenderness be counted as review of systems for the skin, making this an EPF history? Or should it be an associated sign or symptom, making it a problem focused history? Maybe it can be either?

Review of systems is meant to mean Review of ORGAN Systems, so pain or tenderness cannot be a system to itself. It can be a symptom of the integumentary system, if that's where the pain is. Abdominal pain can a symptom of the digestive system, and so on.