Wiki Can NP work independently?


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Can NP work independently or they have work under MD's supervision? Also what is more preferable PA vs NP? Any input is valuable. Thanks!
Check with your state Medical licensing board. They will have specific info whether the NP needs MD supervision.
In almost every state an NP can work independently but must have a collaborative agreement with an MD. He/she must be individually credentialed with the payers and will have his/her own NPI. At no time could you bill using the physician NPI. Different states have different requirements at to how far the collaborative physician can be at any given time such as an hour away or within 50 miles, but they must be reachable at all times by fax, pager, phone etc.
As to Np vs PA,.. that is different in every state some states consider the PA equal to the RN, in scope and other equal to the NP so no way to tell.