Wiki Can Kenalog be billed separatly when used in an ASC?


Best answers
I just can't seem to get any clarification on this. I am hoping that I can find out the answer and also the support documentaion regarding if Kenalog J3301 can be billed when used in an ASC.

Thansk to everyone for the help
Typically ASC contracts cover "high cost drugs". I do not believe that Kenolog falls into that classification. It certainly depends on in what capacity you are using it as well. Can you give me an example of a procedure and its use of Kenolog? was this a simple joint injection? Does your ASC itemize?
I called some of our local commercial carriers and asked if Kenalog and Demerol could be separately reimbursed and I was told yes. The "caines" like Lidocaine are inclusive to the procedures but we are billing out Kenalog on our ASC claims and they are getting paid. Try talking to your local carriers to see if they're open to it.