Wiki Can I have a little advice?

Canon, GA
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I am working on finishing up my practicode to get my "A" removed. Has anyone had a hard time finding a job? I am trying to plan for the future months of this year. I have been in the medical field for 15 years, but only now coding. I have my CPC certification. Any tips on landing a remote coding position right out of certification? Thank you!!!!
Little Advice

Congratulations, on your CPC-A. I'm a newly Certified my self. I work in health care over 20, but clinical. I'm having the same problems, no one will hire me,due to lack of experience or no experience. There's a Huge need for coder. There no simple advice, just Networks and courage another entry level coder. We will get there
congratulations on removing the A! You can try for remote, but it can be a challenge if you are a new coder. Many of the remote jobs are on the hospital/inpatient side or require multiple years of coding experience. There is a Facebook group called Jobs for American Coders that has a lot of good info and a mix of new & experienced coders as well as those hiring - good luck to you :)