Wiki Can I bill for E/M and Lupron Injection during Post op?


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32 y/o female s/p Laparoscopic left ovarian cystectomy; partial left oophorectomy; laparoscopic myomectomy; laparoscopic excision of endometrial implant in posterior cul-de-sac; chromopertubation of bilateral fallopian tubes for tx of a left ovarian endometrioma, PCOS, hirsutism, menometrorrhagia, uterine fibroids, infertility, and chronic pelvic pain 8 wks postop here to start 6 month course of Lupron w/ Norethindrone acetate.

- Reviewed tx options for Hirsutism, including spirinolactone and vanicare cream. Pt declined meds at this time. Pt coujnseled on r/b/a to lupron, and s.e. profile. Pt opted to start Lupron course.
- Lupron #1 (1 month) given today.
- Urine pregnancy test neg.
- Pt given Norethindrone today.

Pt is now started on Lupron. When I tried to bill it, Athena alerted me that Pt is within global surgical pkg. I was going to attach Mod 24, but then again some of the problems are the same as before the surgery. Can we never bill Lupron and the visit during the post op period?
My opinion is that the visit does not seem to be "unrelated" to the surgery and therefore included in surgery. However, the injection (and J code if you provided the Lupron) should be payable.