Wiki can I bill cath insertion from site of IVUS?


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Can we bill for cath.placement when done for IVUS in specific arteries? In this case they did abd.aortogram (from rt.fem entry) then placed cath in contralat.common iliac then IVUS cath.advanced to left ext.iliac and common iliac was measured. Can I bill 36246-LT for IVUS advance to left ext.iliac or only 36245-LT as that is where regular cath.was placed originally. Also--

36216-RT for rt.subclavian angio.and IVUS
75650 for arch study (prox.ascending aorta and aortogram)
75630 abd.aortogram
37250 and 75945 (IVUS'd lt.common iliac)
37251 times 2 with 75946 times 2 (looks like they IVUS'd rt.common fem.-looking at findings along

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
Can we bill for cath.placement when done for IVUS in specific arteries? In this case they did abd.aortogram (from rt.fem entry) then placed cath in contralat.common iliac then IVUS cath.advanced to left ext.iliac and common iliac was measured. Can I bill 36246-LT for IVUS advance to left ext.iliac or only 36245-LT as that is where regular cath.was placed originally. Also--

36216-RT for rt.subclavian angio.and IVUS
75650 for arch study (prox.ascending aorta and aortogram)
75630 abd.aortogram
37250 and 75945 (IVUS'd lt.common iliac)
37251 times 2 with 75946 times 2 (looks like they IVUS'd rt.common fem.-looking at findings along

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.

Yes you can bill for the catheter placements but I don't see where the subclavian (36216) was selected.:confused:

I didn't include the part where they selectively engaged the rt.subclavian because I didn't have a question as to whether I could code that-I know I can. The question was whether I could code the cath to the furthest part they placed the cath. for doing the IVUS of the iliac. They IVUS'd the lt.common iliac, not the external-but they did advance the the lt.external iliac. The more I think about it the more I'm inclined to just bill the 36245-LT as this is where they engaged the iliac for the IVUS.